Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The World of Multimedia

There are many types of multimedia that we use in our daily lives. Mobile phones are used everyday to communicate with friends and family. Computers are essential because we can find information on anything and this is helpful when doing research and other schoolwork. Also, we can communitcate with other people using the computer through email and chat and computers are therfore used constantly.
It would be hard for people nowadays to live without a computer or mobile phone, and I believe that we would have a hard time finding information and communicating with friends and family. In my opinion, phones and computers will become more like a part of life in the future, and it will become harder for us to live without these.
The video on future directions seems pretty reliable to me. There are already some things that reminds me of those items in it. They are faster, easier and portable. I cannot see any any disadvantages in these future items.

Monday, July 27, 2009